Description of GSWP3 Forcing Data
- Time: 3-hourly (hours since 1871-01-01 00:00:00)
- Latitude: 0.5 degree
1.09 @2019-01-11
1.08 @2018-11-27
1.06 @2018-07-06
- change variable naming convention: amip_name [wss] -> [sfcWind]
- release for LS3MIP land_hist experiment
1.05 @2018-02-17
- time span extended up to 2014
- fill wind values over ocean pixels with downscaled reanalysis
- release for CRECENDO project
1.0 @2017-06-01
- version 1 official release
0.9b @2017-05-13
- correct bias of reference Prcp (GPCC v7) in early 20th Century
- reproduce Rainf/Snowf corresponding to updated wind speed
0.8b @2017-05-12
- correct wind using CRU-CL2.0
0.7b @2014-10-15
- add netCDF description
- beta version release
0.6b @2014-07-18
- remove negative values of Qair
0.5b @2014-06-22
- first beta release
- release for ISI-MIP2